Hasn't the time come to take stock? As you know, if you have been reading me for a long time, I like to take stock. What better way to do...
After discovering what the U=U was, we offer you a new QUIZ that deals with prevention. The data you will discover has been found via...
From my own experience, not necessarily related to HIV, I have noticed that awareness can be triggered either by strong emotion or by...
I am back. I haven't written a story for the blog since June 2020, but those of you who follow me know that I haven't been idle with my...
Today I'm sharing with you the story of one of the people I'm lucky enough to have in my life, the aim being to show that being...
Depuis le début du confinement je m’interroge : « Hey, c’est le moment d’écrire sur le blog. Ça fait mille ans que je n’ai rien partagé. »
Découvrir sa séropositivité c’est apprendre à vivre avec et il n’y a pas qu’une façon d’y arriver. Il y a autant de solutions que de personn
"By way of introduction, I decided to add a few words to B's testimony. Firstly, I simply ask you not to judge his story, which I think...
Nicolas, 39 years old, Bordeaux It's late spring of two thousand and fourteen, five years before I was playing the tin can being...
Je n’ai plus l’impression de subir ma vie, de subir les autres et leur rejet. Aujourd’hui je suis complètement heureux. J’ai évidemment eu